action recognition (1) computer vision (1) deep learning (1) investing (1) machine learning (6) quantitative finance (3) reinforcement learning (3) tech (8) trading strategies (2)

 action recognition (1)

A Summary of Action Recognition So Far

 computer vision (1)

A Summary of Action Recognition So Far

 deep learning (1)

A Summary of Action Recognition So Far

 investing (1)

Mathematical Investing 1 - Meandering with Markowitz

 machine learning (6)

Thoughts on DPO and Offline RL
Some Interesting Offline RL Methods (Early 2024)
An Intro to Offline Reinforcement Learning
A Summary of Action Recognition So Far
Starting out with Gaussian Processes
A Simple Trading Strategy

 quantitative finance (3)

Mathematical Investing 1 - Meandering with Markowitz
Relative (Cross-Sectional) Momentum Trading Strategy
A Simple Trading Strategy

 reinforcement learning (3)

Thoughts on DPO and Offline RL
Some Interesting Offline RL Methods (Early 2024)
An Intro to Offline Reinforcement Learning

 tech (8)

Thoughts on DPO and Offline RL
Some Interesting Offline RL Methods (Early 2024)
An Intro to Offline Reinforcement Learning
A Summary of Action Recognition So Far
Mathematical Investing 1 - Meandering with Markowitz
Relative (Cross-Sectional) Momentum Trading Strategy
Starting out with Gaussian Processes
A Simple Trading Strategy

 trading strategies (2)

Relative (Cross-Sectional) Momentum Trading Strategy
A Simple Trading Strategy